Too long has the Philippines suffered from centuries old slavery, degradation and exploitation by the rich and powerful nations of the world. Too long have the poor and impoverished Filipinos been exploited by its own leaders through massive graft and corruption. Too long has the Filipino nation been left behind by its Asian neighbors and has been the laughing stock of all the rich and powerful nations of the world. Too long have the Filipino workers labored so hard in overseas jobs unmindful of the persecutions and humiliations heaped upon them by their foreign masters just so they could send precious dollars to their impoverished and suffering loved ones in the Philippines. Too long have the rich Filipinos abroad turned a deaf ear and blind eyes to all the sufferings of their brother Filipinos in their homeland.
This must stop if we want to see our beloved country rise again from the grave. We must love our country- the Philippines. We must love and reach out to our brother Filipinos. We must unite and form a strong movement to shake the world to its foundations as all the peoples of the world see the reemergence of the Philippines as a proud nation of the world. This is just a beginning of something big and global. Sign up and be counted and let us dream again a dream of a prosperous Philippines that will be the envy of all nations of the world. Sign up by commenting on this post or via email, stating your name, your address, name of your blog, its url. All the names of those who will comment or send email and give the required informations will be included in a permanent registry that will be permanently posted here. My email address is melalarilla@gmail.com.
Official Registry of All Filipino Bloggers
Official Registry of All Filipino Bloggers
Name Address Name of Blog URL
1. Mel Alarilla Bulacan, Philippines
Filipinos Unite!!! http://filipinosunite.blogspot.com/
2. Angel Cuala Batangas, Philippines Father Blogger dot com url - http://fatherblogger.com/
3. Lavern Tan Las Pinas City, Philippines Pinoy Ambisyoso url- http://pinoyambisyoso.com4. Francis Daniel Maning Cebu, Philippines Istayl Sugbo url- http://istaylsugbo.blogspot.com
5. Snow Philippines Dear Bloggery url- http://dearbloggery.com/
6. Bloggista - Marikina, Philippines - Bloggista - url- http://www.bloggista.com/
7. Chris A. - Cavite, Philippines - CMAQuest - url- http://cmaquest.blogspot.com/
8. Aisha - Eugene, Oregon, USA - The Holley Herald - url - http://www.theholleyherald.com/
9. Rowena - Davao City, Philippines - All Out My Naked Truth- Rowena - url - http://rowenabongabong.blogspot.com/
10. Icymar Tagimacruz - Cebu, Philippines - Kreative Myndz - url- http://www.icymartagimacruz.blogspot.com/
11. Pat Mangubat - Philippines - New Philippine Revolution - url- http://newphilrevolution.blogspot.com/
12. Empress - Cebu, Philippines - Empress of Drac.Com - url- http://www.empressofdrac.com/
13. Marilou Domingo - Philippines - Ibanag in the City - url- http://ibanaginthecity.blogspot.com/
14. Ester Besmonde - Canada - Walk Through Money Online Journal - url- http://www.teyonlinejournal.com/
15. Ramon Paulino - Quezon City, Philippines - FatherlYours.com - u rl- http://www.fatherlyours.com/
16. Mindanaoan - Mindanao, Philippines - Mindanaoan - url- http://www.maindaoan.com/
17. Bloggie - Davao City, Philippines - Davao Bloggers Network - url- http://www.davaoblogs.net/
18. Xerendipity - Dumaguete City, Philippines - Obnoxious Queer - url- http://obnoxiousqueer.com/
19. Viviene C. (Bingkee) - Connecticut, USA - I Love/Hate America - url- http://www.fliploveusa.typepad.com/
20. Roy - Angeles City, Philippines - The Struggling Blogger - url- http://thestrugglingblogger.168center.com/
21. Janette Toral (Ada) - Marikina City, Philippines - Blogging From Home - url- http://www.bloggingfromhome.com/
22. Milton Coyne III (Bluedreamer27) - Cavite City, Philippines - Bluedreamer's Top Five - url- http://bluedreamer27.blogspot.com/
23. Marites dlR - Davao City, Philippines - Me, the islands and the world - url- http://www.pinaylighterside.com/
24. Mauie Flores - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - Living a Sugar-free Sweet Life! - url- http://
25. MsRay - Bacolod City, Philippines - Woman on a Journey - url- http://www.msray2008.com/
26. Pia Go Olano - Philippines - My Life's Journey - url- http://myblog2002.blogspot.com/
27. Jena Isle - Pampanga, Philippines - Random Thoughts - url- http://jenaisle-candidthoughts.blogspot.com/
28. Caca - Mindanao, Philippines - Mood Swings - url- http://blogecca.blogspot.com/
29. Pinoy Apache - Cebu City, Philippines - Pinoy Apache - url- http://pinoyapache.blogspot.com/
30. Jessie Simbulan - Philippines - The Reporter - url- http://www.jessie-simbulan.com/
31. Tony Roda - Manila, Philippines - MENstream - url- http://www.menstream.blogspot.com/
32. Fingertalks - Philippines - Fingertalks - url- http://www.fingetalks.com/
33. Wendy Lopez-Redaon - Quezon City, Philippines - From The Eyes of My Heart - url - http://wenlopred.blogspot.com/
34. Marlene - Davao City, Philippines - Potpourri of Ramblings - url - http://www.lemback.com/
35. Liza Cochico - Quezon City, Philippines - A Simple Life - url - http://mlizcochico.com/
36. Tricia Mazo-Galvez - Las Pinas City, Philippines - Proud Mommy - url- http://monliam.blogspot.com/
37. Wayne - New Zealand - Affiliate Crunch - url- http://www.affiliatecrunch.com/
38. Shiera Delusa - Osaka, Japan - Bisdak Babbles - url - http://bisdakbabbles.com/
39. Madz - Lunda Norte, Angola - Things I Did Not Know Before - url - http://madzlifesknowledge.blogspot.com/
40. Kcee - Makati City, Philippines - Barefooted Me - url - http://www.barefootedme.com/
41. Yani - Davao City, Philippines - Banicmanic - url- http://www.banicmanic.blogspot.com/
42. Rodaflip - Ontario, Canada - FlipAntasticWeb - url- http://flipantasticweb.blogspot.com/
43. Ramvie Santiago - Philippines - Philippine Blog For All - url - http://pinoyblogko.wordpress.com/
44. Russell Bravo - Caloocan City, Philippines - Russell Dot Com - url - http://www.russelldotcom.com/
45. Michelle Valenzuela - San Francisco, California, USA - Tumawa K Kabayan - url - http://twangpinoy.blogspot.com/
46. Pinay Wife - Cambodia - Pinay Wife Speaks - url - http://pinaywifespeaks.com/
47. Lei - Pasig City, Philippines - Moon Goddess Lae - url - http://moongoddesslae.com/
48. Shawie Gick - Orange County, California, USA - A Grateful Heart - url - http://anemptycup.blogspot.com/
49. Hariette Wendam - Iloilo City, Philippines - Praning's Shoutout - url - http://www.praningshoutout.com/
50. Joan Joyce Absalon - Navotas City, Philippines - Joan Joyce dot com - url - http://joanjoyce.com/blog/
51. Rashieka Estelle Absalon - Navotas City, Philippines - My Name Is Rashieka - url - http://rashieka.com/
52. Darlyn - Gen. Santos City, Philippines - Touched By An Angel With Love - url - http://darlyngemwords.blogs.com/
53. Kate Cancio - Marikina City, Philippines - Becoming Kate Cancio - url - http://katecancio.blogspot.com/
54. Ria - United Kingdom - Continental Fairy - url - http://www.continentalfairy.com/
55. Ginoray - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - Profound Matters - url - http://profoundmatters.wordpress.com/
56. Penlighted - New York, USA - Light It Up (Blogging for Jesus) - url - http://lightedpen.blogspot.com/
57. Lyn (Moccalyn) - Manila, Philippines - Life Spices - url - http//moccalyn.blogspot.com/
58. Ana Lindenhann - Denmark - The Filipina Mom in Denmark - url - http://www.filipinamom.com/
59. Chris Red - Philippines - Christinchen's Soapbox - url - http://christinchen184.blogspot.com/
60. Richies 2Ts Inspires - Stockholm, Sweden - Richies Inspirational Designs - url - http://simchieinspires.blogspot.com/
61. Island Angel - Davao City, Philippines - Seashells Of Island Angel - url - http://seashellsofislandangel.blogspot.com/
62. Manilyn Tingcang - Iligan City, Philippines - LinGZ.spot - url - http://lingzspot.blogspot.com/
63. Joyoz Obsioma - Melbourne, Australia - Everyday Life...Generally Speaking - url - http://www.joydob.com/
64. Gladita - Bacolod City, Philippines - PromdiLiving - url - http://promdiliving.com/
65. Lesley Cucal - Tarlac City, Philippines - Bottomless Coffee - url - http://men-tality.blogspot.com/
66. Rose Cottrill - West Virginia, USA - Rose's Obstacles and Glory - url - http://www.obstaclesandglories.com/
67. Mys Lyke Meeh - Toronto, Canada - Mys Lyke Meeh - url - http://myslykemeeh.blogspot.com/
68. Gloria (Goyz) - Calamba City, Philippines - Good Health - url - http://goyz-greenapple.blogspot.com/
69. Mitch (Annay Butakal) - Cebu, Philippines - Ramble Baboy - url - http://annaybutakal.blogspot.com/
70. Ria Coleto - Cervantes - Dubai, UAE - It's My Party - url - http://www.riablahgs.com/
71. Luna Miranda - Makati City, Philippines - Miranda - url - http://bilogangbuwanniluna.blogspot.com/
72. Kit (Suplado) - Makati City, Philippines - Suplado Reviews - url - http://supladoonline.blogspot.com/
73. Rachel - Philippines - Heart of Rachel - url - http://mysoulfulthoughts.blogspot.com/
75. Wella Jane - Misamis Occidental, Philippines - Thinking Pen- Blogging For A Cause - url - http://thinkingpen.freeo.net/
76. Kelvin Requiroso (Kebelle) - Quezon City, Philippines - Spirituality Page - url - http://spirituality-page.blogspot.com/
77. Pusang Gala - Mandaluyong City, Philippines - Pusang - Gala - url - http://pakaleklalawak.blogspot.com/
78. Jason - Paranaque, Philippines - Pinoy Updates - url - http://www.pinoyupdates.com/
79. Onatdonuts - Taguig City, Philippines - OnatDonuts - url - http://www.onatdonuts.blogspot.com/
80. Ibyang - NSW, Australia - A Wife's Charmed Life - url - http://awifescharmedlife.blogspot.com/
81. Mike Avenue - Philippines - Mga Tagalog Na Tula Sa Filipinas - url - http://tagalog-tula-pilipinas.blogspot.com/
82.Jhay Gamba - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - I Blog Mo! - url -http://jdesignzwww.jdesignz.blogspot.com/
83. Carla Farnesyl Fundales Idago - Malabon City, Philippines - Heterotripper: Anong Maskara Mo Today - url - http://lacarotica.blogspot.com/
84. Tet Garchitorena - Naga City, Philippines - The Life Of An Oregano Addict - url - http://www.piebuko.blogspot.com/
85. Rael Denoman - Imus, Cavite, Philippines - Manikang Papel - url - http://myblogjazzryl.blogspot.com/
86. Liezl F. - Valenzuela City, Philippines - Breezing My Confined Emotions - url - http://microporetape.blogspot.com/
87. Kengkay - Germany - Kwentong Kengkay - url - http://kengkay.wordpress.com/
88. Earthlingorgeous - Manila, Philippines - Earthlingorgeous.com - url - http://www.earthlingorgeous.com/
89. Pinay Key Point - Tarlac City, Philippines - PinayKeyPoint - url - http://pinaykeypoint.wordpress.com/
90. Ria Stevenson - Texas, USA - Live Love Laugh - url - http://www.riastevenson.com/
91. Pajay - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Klasrum Ni Pajay - url - http://propesorpa-jay.blogspot.com/
92. Texas Sweetie - Texas, USA - My Virtual Diary - url - http://www.texas-sweetie.blogspot.com/
93. Aquamarine - Hongkong - Aquamarine - url - http://jhole22.blogspot.com/
94. Shemistry - Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines - Foolishly Overacting - url- http://shemshemistry.blogspot.com/
95. Dines - Winona, Minnesotta, USA - Kalei Dines Scope - url - http://paul-dina-kaleidoscope.blogspot.com/
96. Che (Chorva) - Philippines - Chorva Entertainment Blog - url - http://www.chorva.net/
97. Arnel Gara Artes - Cebu City, Philippines - A Hunter - url - http://www.arnelgaraartes.blogspot.com/
98. Donald Pal (Dhon) - Cebu, Philippines - Life Love Lust - url - http://dhonpal.blogspot.com/
99. Fermin Absalon - Navotas, Metro Manila, Philippines - Beyond Feron Dot Com - url - http://www.beyondferon.com/
100. Dzerom - Calamba, Laguna, Philippines - Blogging Without A Cause - url - http://blogging-without-a-cause.blogspot.com/
101. K (Knoizki) - Hongkong - A Dialogue With K - url - http://www.knoizki.net/
102 Orville Hitadle - Cebu City, Philippines - Downloader's Stuffs and Freebies for All - url - http://www.iamdownloader.com/
103. Cindyrella - Hongkong - Cindyrella From Hongkong - url - http://cindyrella-stories.blogspot.com/
104. Rimewire - Cavite, Philippines - Disproving the Genius - url - http://rimewire.wordpress.com/
105. Edelweiza Mabalay - Manila, Philippines - The Life of a Breadwinner - url - http://www.edelweiza.com/
106. Manolito Montala - Philippines - The Filipino Enterpreneur - url - http://www.thefilipinoenterpreneur.com/
107. Leona Khan - Pasig City, Philippines - Vanidosang Panda - url - http://ms-panda.blogspot.com/
108. Pepe Mckunat - Philippines - Life is Tough, but prove You are Tougher - url - http://katchupoy.wordpress.com/
109. Batopik - Taguig City, Philippines - Batopik - url - http://batopik.wordpress.com/
110. Gin E - Manila, Philippines - Mommy in Manila - url - http://mommyinmanila.blogspot.com/
111. B'ley Villones (Dyosa) - Paranaque City, Philippines - Blagalag - url - http://www.bl;agalag.com/
112. Donald Serrano (don_ser) - Philippines - don_ser The Feeling ProBlogger - url - http://www.doanldserrano.com/donser/
113. Love Lot - San Francisco, California, USA - Lov-A-Lot - url - http://lov-a-lot.blogspot.com/
114. Enchie - Manila, Philippines - Sweet Nothings - url - http//xtraordinarymom.blogspot.com/
115. Iceah Marie - Gen. Santos City, Philippines - Chicken Heart - url - http://www.pinay-chicken-heart.com/
116. Mee*I Velasco - Antipolo City, Rizal, Philippines - Waiting On The World To Change - url - http://mekinudolsoup.blogspot.com/
117. Kuyanin - Philippines - Kuyanin: Starting Afresh - url - http://www.kuyanin.com/
118. Chyng Reyes - Manila, Philippines - No Spam, No Virus, No Kiddin'! - url - http://riandrew.blogspot.com/
119. JuanDerPul - Philippines - JuanDerPul Pinoy - url - http://juanderpulpinoy.com/
120. Kenneth Mendoza - Laguna, Philippines - Kenneth Mendoza- Speaking Out, Blogging, Ranting and Fooling Around - url - http://www.kmendoza.net/
121. Grace - Michigan, USA - We Live To Tell God's "Amazing Grace" - url - http://grace1331.blogspot.com/
122. Carnation - Antique, Philippines - Carnation - url - http://sweetcarnation.blogspot.com/
123. Jed Chua - Mandaluyong City, Philippines - Reel Advice - url - http://reeladvice.blogspot.com/
124. Pammyboo83 - Dumaguete City, Philippines - Filipino Lifestyle - url - http://filipinotaste.blogspot.com/
125. Sagada- Igorot - Mountain Province, Philippines/Chicago, USA - Blog of The Sagada- Igorot - url - http://blog.sagada-igorot.com/
126. Bai Maleiha Candao - Cotabato City, Philippines - Soulful Images - url - http://princessmaleiha.blogspot.com/
127. Jehzeel Laurente - Philippines - Jehzlau Concepts - url - Http://www.jehzlau-concepts.com/]
128. Poohgahk - Philippines - Shout Out - Url - http://poohgahk.blogspot.com/
129. Norman Novio - Occidental Mindoro, Philippines - Pamatok - url - http:///nanovio.blogspot.com/
130. Bien Nillos - Negros Occidental, Philippines - The Freudian Slip - url - http://bayenn.blogspot.com/
131. Madelyn Basalo-Sells - Cafunfo, Lunda Norte, Angola - "The Pride of Hingotanan, Bohol"- My Life's Journey To Success - url - http://madzlifesdiary.blogspot.com/
132. Jannesse - Las Pinas City, Philippines - The Wifey Diaries - url - http://thewifeydiaries.blogspot.com/
133. Willa Stock - Ontario, Canada - Fickle Minded- A Life That Is Less Ordinary - url - http://fickleminded.net/
134. Aihara (Tessah) Ramintessah Sanchez - Japan - The Economics of Life - url - http://lifesmatterandeconomics.blogspot.com/
135. Ron Albert - Quezon City, Philippines - A Slice of Turon - url - http://ron-turon.blogspot.com/
136. Elyong - Davao City, Philippines - Elyong - url - http://elyong.blogspot.com/
137. Kokoi - Baguio City, Philippines - Blog ni Kokoi - url - http://blognikokoi.blogspot.com/
138. Fat - Japan - Anything Goes - url - http://247diary.blogspot.com/
139. Mye De Leon - Rizal, Philippines - Blog Appetite - url - http://blogappetite.blogspot.com/
140. Jan Geronimo - Oriental Mindoro, Philippines - salabasngmandaluyong (Rx For A Better Life) - url - http://salabasngmandaluyong.blogspot.com/
141. Chuva - Philippines - Chizmizan With Chuva - url - http://chuvachienes.com/
142. E. J. Bautista - Quezon City, Philippines - Bogcess - url - http://bogcess.blogspot.com/
143. Maree Tee - Philippines - I Am Mrs. Tee - url - http://mareetee.blogspot.com/
144. Alma Cafe - Davao oriental, Philippines - Reach Beyond Your Limits - url - http://luponfirehouse.blogspot.com/
145. Arlene Collado - Philippines - Joys in Life - url - http://sunshineleneforlife.com/
146. Juvy - Philippines - Pinoy Portals - url - http://pinoyportals.blogspot.com/
147. Jan Mckingley Hilado - Cebu City, Philippines - The Ultralife of Student Nurses - url - http://nursester.blogspot.com/
148. Carlos - Davao City, Philippines - Carlos Ideas - url - http://carlos-ideas.blogspot.com/
149. Mentor - Cebu, Philippines - The Image of Cebu - url - http://cebuimage.blogspot.com/
150. Emma Ballada - Laguna, Philippines - Life Momento - url - http://lifemomento.blogspot.com/
151. Darkspark - Philippines - Papermills - url - http://papermills.blogspot.com/
152. Jes - Philippines - My Little Angels - url - http://ishiethan.blogspot.com/
153. Mike Pamero - Laguna, Philippines - Such were some of you - url - http://www.mikepamero.blogspot.com/
154. Jerome - Calamba, Laguna, Philippines - Pinoy Blogger Online - url - http://blogging-without-a-cause.blogspot.com/
155. Mary Grace - Tennessee, USA - My World is My Family - url - http://graceodraper.blogspot.com/
156. Luzviminda Gadon (VhingF) - Israel - Survivor: the Reality of my Life - url - Http://vhing4all-il-ph.blogspot.com/
157. Marlon Celso - Manila, Philippines - Marlon of Manila - url - http://marlonofmanila.blogspot.com/
158. Richard Roxas - Valenzuela City, Philippines - Dreamworks - url - http://dreamworksorg.blogspot.com/
159. Political Jaywalker - USA - Pedestrian Observer - url - http://pedestrianobserver.blogspot.com/
160. Your Sassy Reporter - Philippines - Mother Thoughts - url - http://mymotherthoughts.blogspot.com/
161. Caryn Paredes - Tokyo, Japan - sari-saring kulay - url - http://gandarynako.livejournal.com/
162. Honey Hernandez (angel without wings) - Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines - The Young Hermit Blog - url - http://honeywfb.blogspot.com/
163. Guia Gomez - San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines - The Real Guia Gomez of San Juan - url - http://guiagomez.blogspot.com/
164. Madame Apro - Michigan, USA - Aphrodite: My So Called Life! url - http://ruthrush.blogspot.com
165. Maria Katrina Lopez Yarza - Philippines - I Am Kcat - url - http://iamkcat.blogspot.com/
166. Rechie - Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines - My Hideaway - url - http://iamkcat.blogspot.com/
167. Theresa Ellorando Flores - Philippines - Women-Ish: Women's Issues from Christian Perspective url - http://women-ish.blogspot.com/
168. Enhenyero - Singapore & Philippines - Braggies - url - http://enhenyero.blogspot.com/
169. Ron Centeno - New York, USA - In My Own Words- Ron Centeno - url - http://roncenteno.blogspot.com/
170. Jimbo - Yanbu, Saudi Arabia - adventures of boy wander - url - http://jimbodl.blogspot.com/
171. Leonore (mommycool) - Philippines - Cakes And Ale - url - http://myownparadigms.blogspot.com/
172. Beverly - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines - Pig's Tale - url - http://beaverly88.blogspot.com/
173. Brenna Bustamante - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - The Quintessence - url - http://mycoreheart.blogspot.com/
174. Mariz - Dubai, UAE - Reflections - url - http://reflectionsbymariz.blogspot.com/
175. Lisa Goldenbogen - Roseville, Michigan, USA - Lisgold - url - http://lisgold.com/
176. Crissy Taruc - Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines - Housewife at Work - url - http://housewifeatwork.blogspot.com/
177. Louraine and Melody - Davao City, Philippines - Sassy Pinay - url - http://www.sassypinay.com/
178. Meretrisha - Cebu, Philippines - A Walk Through Life - url - http://joannamashka.com/
179. Rolly Ocampo - Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines - Philippines rising (taga monumento) - url - http://tagamonumento.blogspot.com/
180. Rochelle Confesor - Marilina City, Philippines - Femme Power - url - http://femmepower.crunchystyle.com/
181. Vhincent & Jen - Philippines - Chizmosa Lounge - url - http://www.chizmosalounge.com/
182. Joyce Emor - Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines - My Nature Adventures - url - http://nature-adventures.blogspot.com/
183. Karen - Quezon City, Philippines - My So-Called World - url - http://www.titik-atibapa.com/
184. Rechie Ruth Lopez Wilks - Chuchie's Hideaway - url - http://chuchieshideaway.blogspot.com/
185. Jess Quijano - Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines - Buhilaman Sa Bukid Malindang - url - http://malindangbuhilaman.blogspot.com/
186. Richard Alcantara - California, USA - Trader's Hub - url - http://bigdaddyrichard-swirlingthoughts.blogspot.com/
187. Jacob Fuentes - Philippines - Famous Filipinos - url - http://famousfilipinos.jacobfuentes.com/
188. Lovely - Metro Manila, Philippines - Thoughts - url - http://lovelypad.blogspot.com/
189. Philippines Travel Blog - Philippines - Philippines Travel Blog - url - http://agiledeals.com/
190. John Masigan - Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines - Ultraelectromagnetic Blog - url - http://masiganjb.blogspot.com/
191. Manang Kim - Philippines/USA - My Life Journey In Focus - url - http://kissess4u.blogspot.com/
192. PYT - Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines - D Family Dynamics - url - http://dauzbournechronicles.blogspot.com/
193. Nikou - Shanghai, China - Living The EXPAT's Life - url - http://theshanghaiexpat.blogspot.com/
194. Mikes - Cebu, Philippines - NewsBlog1st - url - http://newsblog1st.blogspot.com/
195. Leo Mar - Philippines - Leomar's Den - url -http://leomarsden.com/
196. Third World Geek - Butuan City, Philippines - Third World Geek - url - http://www.thirdworldgeek.com/
197. Edgardo Zafra - Marikina City, Philippines - Owning A Cafe - url - http://xicowner.jefmart.com/
198. "The Explorer" - Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines - Las Islas Filipinas World - url- http://lasislasfilipinasworld.blogspot.com/
199. Truebloodedpinay - Philippines - Carpe Diem! (Seize The Day) - url - http://balitangkanto.blogspot.com/
200. Bloggista - Philippines - Bloggista Info Corner - url - http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/
201. Mystique - Makati, Philippines - Mystique's Moments - url - http://www.mystique21.com/
202. Pulis Pangkalawakan - Quezon City, Philippines - Mind Under Construction - url - http://utakbangus.blogspot.com/
203. Mely Johnson - Utah, USA - Pinoy American Favorite Recipes - url - http://pinoyamericanrecipes.blogspot.com/
204. Geraldine D. - Texas, USA - Embracing My Past, Present and Future Life - url - http://texaswithlove1982-amomentlikethis.blogspot.com/
205. Joemill - Cebu City, Philippines - Brief Stories - url- http://briefstories.blogspot.com/
206. Amae d - Baguio City, Philippines - little pink splotches - url- http://pimksplotch.blogspot.com/
207. Eli Gatanela - Bacolod City, Philippines -Business Sphere Blog - url- http://businessphereconsulting.com/
208. Miss Gift Philippines - Philippines/USA - Tawag Na Regalo - url- http://www.mytawagnaregalo.com/
209. JR041283 - Philippines/Middle East - JR041283 - url- http://jr041283.blogspot.com/
210. Ms. Law - Quezon City, Philippines - LawReal - url- http://lawreal.blogspot.com/
211. fickleinpink - Calamba City, Laguna, Philippines - Fickleinpink, on the dark side - url- http://fickleinpink.blogspot.com/
212. Kristine Kawi - Baguio City, Philippines/La Vesinet, France - An Igorot in France - url - http://www.anigorotinfrance.blogspot.com/
213. Ria Romero - Naga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines - My Journey to Life - url - http://melandriaromero.blogspot.com/
214. Seiko - Kumamoto, Japan - Seiko's Diary - url - http://adualcareermom.blogspot.com/
215. SongDiary - Philippines - Story Behind Your Favorite Song - url - http://favesongdiary.blogspot.com/
216. Scribbler - UK/Philippines - Life in the UK url- http://www.thisislifeintheuk.blogspot.com/
217. Lynn - Manila, Philippines - The Four Eyed Optimist - url-http://thefoureyedoptimist.blogspot. com/
218. Joy Rodulfo - Quezon City, Philippines - From This Side - url - http://anneblythe.blogspot.com/
219. January - Iligan City, Philippines - January's Scraps of Life - url- http://faeriejan.blogspot.com/
220. Princess Sarah - Bacolod City, Philippines - His Unfailing Love - url - http://sarahg26.com/
221. Sam - Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, U.S.A. - There's No Place That Far - url - http://www.freddysamsc.com/
222. Jam Mayer-Flores - Quezon City, Philippines - Jam Mayer- Flores - url- http://www.jammayer.com/
223. Ian Limpangog - Pasay City, Philippines - Freedom Wall - url- http://www.freedomwall.net
224. Cielo (Lai) - Philippines - Brown Pinay
- url - http://www.brownpinay.com/
225. Yljien - Philippines - I Empower Myself - url - http://iempowermyself.net/
226. Fatima Marla Viray - Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Philippines - fatima marla - iWrite therefore iAm - url - http://fmarla.wordpress.com/
227. Rossel Dacio - San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines - Topics On Earth - url - http://www.topicsonearth.com/
228. Gagay - Mindanao, Philippines - walkingnewspaper - url - http://walkingnewspaper.blogspot.com/
229. Ghienoxs - Cebu City, Philippines - Jie. No's Pyer. Sips. Yon - url - http://jieno-perception.blogspot.com/
230. Jenie - Philippines - At-A-Blink
url - http://at-a-blink.blogspot.com/
231. Michael Jay Mesa - Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines - Ars Longa, Vita Bravis - url - http://www.mjo-mesa.blogspot.com/
232. Marvin Cruz - Bulacan, Philippines - Marvin's Place - url- http://marvincruz.com
233. Irene A. - Quezon City, Philippines - Crucial Bliss - url - http://www.business-ito.com/
234. Kayce - Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines - My Life & My Journey Online - url-http://kayeshayne.blogspot.com/
235. MelCole - Pennsylvania, USA - Seasons and Seasonings - url- http://seasonsandseasonings.blogspot.com/0.
236. Charmie - Davao City, Philippines - A Journey of Life - url - http://pinkycharm.blogspot.com/
237. Cacai M. - Los Angeles, California, USA - Cacai M.'s Place - url- http://www.cacai-m-place.net/
238. Ma. Victoria de Leon Parungao - Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines - Jared's Little Corner of The World - url- http://www.jaredslittlecorneroftheworld.blogspot.com/
239. Olivoster - Alberta, Canada - A Working Canada- Jobs, Career, Business in Canada - url- http://workncanada.blogspot.com/
240. A2ensite - Philippines - Something Personal - url- http://a2ensite.blogspot.com/
241. Gertie Apigo - Dubai, UAE - Single Mom at Best - url- http://www.singlemomatbest.blogspot.com/
242. Tina Corsame- Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines - Pinay Green Mommy - url- http://www.green-mommy.info/
243. Emmanuel Cabando - Philippines - The Philippine Landmarks Today - url- http://philippine-landmarks.blogspot.com/
244. Jannicar Galarion Nayve - Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Food For Thoughts - url- http://heartstrings101.blogspot.com/
245. Arnel Oroceo - Philippines - It's Perfectly Amazing - url - http://nel-ceo.blogspot.com/
Tayo'y Mga Pinoy - Heber Bartolome
Ako'y Isang Pinoy - Florante
Ang Bayan Kong Sinilangan - Asin (Mindanao)
Bayan Ko - Kuh Ledesma
Lawiswis Kawayan - Philippine Folk Dance (Tagalog Region)
Atin Ku Pung Singsing (Capangpangan Region)
Pamulinawen (Ilocano Region)
Matud Nila - Pilita Corrales (Cebuano Region)
Dandansoy - Grace Nono (Waray Region - Leyte)
Sarung Banggi (Bicol Region)
Ang Dalagang Filipina - Ruben Tagalog (IN HONOR OF ALL FILIPINAS ALL OVER THE WORLD)
Pandanggo Sa Ilaw (Philippine Folk Music and Dance)
Tinikling (Filipino Folk Dance)
Singkil (Traditional Muslim Folk Dance) - Bayanihan Dance Company
Salidumay (For Our Muslim Brothers In The Philippines) - Grace Nono
God bless the Philippines. God bless the Filipinos wherever they are. IN GOD WE TRUST AND HAVE OUR BEING. God bless us all.
6. Bloggista - Marikina, Philippines - Bloggista - url- http://www.bloggista.com/
7. Chris A. - Cavite, Philippines - CMAQuest - url- http://cmaquest.blogspot.com/
8. Aisha - Eugene, Oregon, USA - The Holley Herald - url - http://www.theholleyherald.com/
9. Rowena - Davao City, Philippines - All Out My Naked Truth- Rowena - url - http://rowenabongabong.blogspot.com/
10. Icymar Tagimacruz - Cebu, Philippines - Kreative Myndz - url- http://www.icymartagimacruz.blogspot.com/
11. Pat Mangubat - Philippines - New Philippine Revolution - url- http://newphilrevolution.blogspot.com/
12. Empress - Cebu, Philippines - Empress of Drac.Com - url- http://www.empressofdrac.com/
13. Marilou Domingo - Philippines - Ibanag in the City - url- http://ibanaginthecity.blogspot.com/
14. Ester Besmonde - Canada - Walk Through Money Online Journal - url- http://www.teyonlinejournal.com/
15. Ramon Paulino - Quezon City, Philippines - FatherlYours.com - u rl- http://www.fatherlyours.com/
16. Mindanaoan - Mindanao, Philippines - Mindanaoan - url- http://www.maindaoan.com/
17. Bloggie - Davao City, Philippines - Davao Bloggers Network - url- http://www.davaoblogs.net/
18. Xerendipity - Dumaguete City, Philippines - Obnoxious Queer - url- http://obnoxiousqueer.com/
19. Viviene C. (Bingkee) - Connecticut, USA - I Love/Hate America - url- http://www.fliploveusa.typepad.com/
20. Roy - Angeles City, Philippines - The Struggling Blogger - url- http://thestrugglingblogger.168center.com/
21. Janette Toral (Ada) - Marikina City, Philippines - Blogging From Home - url- http://www.bloggingfromhome.com/
22. Milton Coyne III (Bluedreamer27) - Cavite City, Philippines - Bluedreamer's Top Five - url- http://bluedreamer27.blogspot.com/
23. Marites dlR - Davao City, Philippines - Me, the islands and the world - url- http://www.pinaylighterside.com/
24. Mauie Flores - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - Living a Sugar-free Sweet Life! - url- http://
25. MsRay - Bacolod City, Philippines - Woman on a Journey - url- http://www.msray2008.com/
26. Pia Go Olano - Philippines - My Life's Journey - url- http://myblog2002.blogspot.com/
27. Jena Isle - Pampanga, Philippines - Random Thoughts - url- http://jenaisle-candidthoughts.blogspot.com/
28. Caca - Mindanao, Philippines - Mood Swings - url- http://blogecca.blogspot.com/
29. Pinoy Apache - Cebu City, Philippines - Pinoy Apache - url- http://pinoyapache.blogspot.com/
30. Jessie Simbulan - Philippines - The Reporter - url- http://www.jessie-simbulan.com/
31. Tony Roda - Manila, Philippines - MENstream - url- http://www.menstream.blogspot.com/
32. Fingertalks - Philippines - Fingertalks - url- http://www.fingetalks.com/
33. Wendy Lopez-Redaon - Quezon City, Philippines - From The Eyes of My Heart - url - http://wenlopred.blogspot.com/
34. Marlene - Davao City, Philippines - Potpourri of Ramblings - url - http://www.lemback.com/
35. Liza Cochico - Quezon City, Philippines - A Simple Life - url - http://mlizcochico.com/
36. Tricia Mazo-Galvez - Las Pinas City, Philippines - Proud Mommy - url- http://monliam.blogspot.com/
37. Wayne - New Zealand - Affiliate Crunch - url- http://www.affiliatecrunch.com/
38. Shiera Delusa - Osaka, Japan - Bisdak Babbles - url - http://bisdakbabbles.com/
39. Madz - Lunda Norte, Angola - Things I Did Not Know Before - url - http://madzlifesknowledge.blogspot.com/
40. Kcee - Makati City, Philippines - Barefooted Me - url - http://www.barefootedme.com/
41. Yani - Davao City, Philippines - Banicmanic - url- http://www.banicmanic.blogspot.com/
42. Rodaflip - Ontario, Canada - FlipAntasticWeb - url- http://flipantasticweb.blogspot.com/
43. Ramvie Santiago - Philippines - Philippine Blog For All - url - http://pinoyblogko.wordpress.com/
44. Russell Bravo - Caloocan City, Philippines - Russell Dot Com - url - http://www.russelldotcom.com/
45. Michelle Valenzuela - San Francisco, California, USA - Tumawa K Kabayan - url - http://twangpinoy.blogspot.com/
46. Pinay Wife - Cambodia - Pinay Wife Speaks - url - http://pinaywifespeaks.com/
47. Lei - Pasig City, Philippines - Moon Goddess Lae - url - http://moongoddesslae.com/
48. Shawie Gick - Orange County, California, USA - A Grateful Heart - url - http://anemptycup.blogspot.com/
49. Hariette Wendam - Iloilo City, Philippines - Praning's Shoutout - url - http://www.praningshoutout.com/
50. Joan Joyce Absalon - Navotas City, Philippines - Joan Joyce dot com - url - http://joanjoyce.com/blog/
51. Rashieka Estelle Absalon - Navotas City, Philippines - My Name Is Rashieka - url - http://rashieka.com/
52. Darlyn - Gen. Santos City, Philippines - Touched By An Angel With Love - url - http://darlyngemwords.blogs.com/
53. Kate Cancio - Marikina City, Philippines - Becoming Kate Cancio - url - http://katecancio.blogspot.com/
54. Ria - United Kingdom - Continental Fairy - url - http://www.continentalfairy.com/
55. Ginoray - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - Profound Matters - url - http://profoundmatters.wordpress.com/
56. Penlighted - New York, USA - Light It Up (Blogging for Jesus) - url - http://lightedpen.blogspot.com/
57. Lyn (Moccalyn) - Manila, Philippines - Life Spices - url - http//moccalyn.blogspot.com/
58. Ana Lindenhann - Denmark - The Filipina Mom in Denmark - url - http://www.filipinamom.com/
59. Chris Red - Philippines - Christinchen's Soapbox - url - http://christinchen184.blogspot.com/
60. Richies 2Ts Inspires - Stockholm, Sweden - Richies Inspirational Designs - url - http://simchieinspires.blogspot.com/
61. Island Angel - Davao City, Philippines - Seashells Of Island Angel - url - http://seashellsofislandangel.blogspot.com/
62. Manilyn Tingcang - Iligan City, Philippines - LinGZ.spot - url - http://lingzspot.blogspot.com/
63. Joyoz Obsioma - Melbourne, Australia - Everyday Life...Generally Speaking - url - http://www.joydob.com/
64. Gladita - Bacolod City, Philippines - PromdiLiving - url - http://promdiliving.com/
65. Lesley Cucal - Tarlac City, Philippines - Bottomless Coffee - url - http://men-tality.blogspot.com/
66. Rose Cottrill - West Virginia, USA - Rose's Obstacles and Glory - url - http://www.obstaclesandglories.com/
67. Mys Lyke Meeh - Toronto, Canada - Mys Lyke Meeh - url - http://myslykemeeh.blogspot.com/
68. Gloria (Goyz) - Calamba City, Philippines - Good Health - url - http://goyz-greenapple.blogspot.com/
69. Mitch (Annay Butakal) - Cebu, Philippines - Ramble Baboy - url - http://annaybutakal.blogspot.com/
70. Ria Coleto - Cervantes - Dubai, UAE - It's My Party - url - http://www.riablahgs.com/
71. Luna Miranda - Makati City, Philippines - Miranda - url - http://bilogangbuwanniluna.blogspot.com/
72. Kit (Suplado) - Makati City, Philippines - Suplado Reviews - url - http://supladoonline.blogspot.com/
73. Rachel - Philippines - Heart of Rachel - url - http://mysoulfulthoughts.blogspot.com/
75. Wella Jane - Misamis Occidental, Philippines - Thinking Pen- Blogging For A Cause - url - http://thinkingpen.freeo.net/
76. Kelvin Requiroso (Kebelle) - Quezon City, Philippines - Spirituality Page - url - http://spirituality-page.blogspot.com/
77. Pusang Gala - Mandaluyong City, Philippines - Pusang - Gala - url - http://pakaleklalawak.blogspot.com/
78. Jason - Paranaque, Philippines - Pinoy Updates - url - http://www.pinoyupdates.com/
79. Onatdonuts - Taguig City, Philippines - OnatDonuts - url - http://www.onatdonuts.blogspot.com/
80. Ibyang - NSW, Australia - A Wife's Charmed Life - url - http://awifescharmedlife.blogspot.com/
81. Mike Avenue - Philippines - Mga Tagalog Na Tula Sa Filipinas - url - http://tagalog-tula-pilipinas.blogspot.com/
82.Jhay Gamba - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - I Blog Mo! - url -http://jdesignzwww.jdesignz.blogspot.com/
83. Carla Farnesyl Fundales Idago - Malabon City, Philippines - Heterotripper: Anong Maskara Mo Today - url - http://lacarotica.blogspot.com/
84. Tet Garchitorena - Naga City, Philippines - The Life Of An Oregano Addict - url - http://www.piebuko.blogspot.com/
85. Rael Denoman - Imus, Cavite, Philippines - Manikang Papel - url - http://myblogjazzryl.blogspot.com/
86. Liezl F. - Valenzuela City, Philippines - Breezing My Confined Emotions - url - http://microporetape.blogspot.com/
87. Kengkay - Germany - Kwentong Kengkay - url - http://kengkay.wordpress.com/
88. Earthlingorgeous - Manila, Philippines - Earthlingorgeous.com - url - http://www.earthlingorgeous.com/
89. Pinay Key Point - Tarlac City, Philippines - PinayKeyPoint - url - http://pinaykeypoint.wordpress.com/
90. Ria Stevenson - Texas, USA - Live Love Laugh - url - http://www.riastevenson.com/
91. Pajay - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Klasrum Ni Pajay - url - http://propesorpa-jay.blogspot.com/
92. Texas Sweetie - Texas, USA - My Virtual Diary - url - http://www.texas-sweetie.blogspot.com/
93. Aquamarine - Hongkong - Aquamarine - url - http://jhole22.blogspot.com/
94. Shemistry - Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines - Foolishly Overacting - url- http://shemshemistry.blogspot.com/
95. Dines - Winona, Minnesotta, USA - Kalei Dines Scope - url - http://paul-dina-kaleidoscope.blogspot.com/
96. Che (Chorva) - Philippines - Chorva Entertainment Blog - url - http://www.chorva.net/
97. Arnel Gara Artes - Cebu City, Philippines - A Hunter - url - http://www.arnelgaraartes.blogspot.com/
98. Donald Pal (Dhon) - Cebu, Philippines - Life Love Lust - url - http://dhonpal.blogspot.com/
99. Fermin Absalon - Navotas, Metro Manila, Philippines - Beyond Feron Dot Com - url - http://www.beyondferon.com/
100. Dzerom - Calamba, Laguna, Philippines - Blogging Without A Cause - url - http://blogging-without-a-cause.blogspot.com/
101. K (Knoizki) - Hongkong - A Dialogue With K - url - http://www.knoizki.net/
102 Orville Hitadle - Cebu City, Philippines - Downloader's Stuffs and Freebies for All - url - http://www.iamdownloader.com/
103. Cindyrella - Hongkong - Cindyrella From Hongkong - url - http://cindyrella-stories.blogspot.com/
104. Rimewire - Cavite, Philippines - Disproving the Genius - url - http://rimewire.wordpress.com/
105. Edelweiza Mabalay - Manila, Philippines - The Life of a Breadwinner - url - http://www.edelweiza.com/
106. Manolito Montala - Philippines - The Filipino Enterpreneur - url - http://www.thefilipinoenterpreneur.com/
107. Leona Khan - Pasig City, Philippines - Vanidosang Panda - url - http://ms-panda.blogspot.com/
108. Pepe Mckunat - Philippines - Life is Tough, but prove You are Tougher - url - http://katchupoy.wordpress.com/
109. Batopik - Taguig City, Philippines - Batopik - url - http://batopik.wordpress.com/
110. Gin E - Manila, Philippines - Mommy in Manila - url - http://mommyinmanila.blogspot.com/
111. B'ley Villones (Dyosa) - Paranaque City, Philippines - Blagalag - url - http://www.bl;agalag.com/
112. Donald Serrano (don_ser) - Philippines - don_ser The Feeling ProBlogger - url - http://www.doanldserrano.com/donser/
113. Love Lot - San Francisco, California, USA - Lov-A-Lot - url - http://lov-a-lot.blogspot.com/
114. Enchie - Manila, Philippines - Sweet Nothings - url - http//xtraordinarymom.blogspot.com/
115. Iceah Marie - Gen. Santos City, Philippines - Chicken Heart - url - http://www.pinay-chicken-heart.com/
116. Mee*I Velasco - Antipolo City, Rizal, Philippines - Waiting On The World To Change - url - http://mekinudolsoup.blogspot.com/
117. Kuyanin - Philippines - Kuyanin: Starting Afresh - url - http://www.kuyanin.com/
118. Chyng Reyes - Manila, Philippines - No Spam, No Virus, No Kiddin'! - url - http://riandrew.blogspot.com/
119. JuanDerPul - Philippines - JuanDerPul Pinoy - url - http://juanderpulpinoy.com/
120. Kenneth Mendoza - Laguna, Philippines - Kenneth Mendoza- Speaking Out, Blogging, Ranting and Fooling Around - url - http://www.kmendoza.net/
121. Grace - Michigan, USA - We Live To Tell God's "Amazing Grace" - url - http://grace1331.blogspot.com/
122. Carnation - Antique, Philippines - Carnation - url - http://sweetcarnation.blogspot.com/
123. Jed Chua - Mandaluyong City, Philippines - Reel Advice - url - http://reeladvice.blogspot.com/
124. Pammyboo83 - Dumaguete City, Philippines - Filipino Lifestyle - url - http://filipinotaste.blogspot.com/
125. Sagada- Igorot - Mountain Province, Philippines/Chicago, USA - Blog of The Sagada- Igorot - url - http://blog.sagada-igorot.com/
126. Bai Maleiha Candao - Cotabato City, Philippines - Soulful Images - url - http://princessmaleiha.blogspot.com/
127. Jehzeel Laurente - Philippines - Jehzlau Concepts - url - Http://www.jehzlau-concepts.com/]
128. Poohgahk - Philippines - Shout Out - Url - http://poohgahk.blogspot.com/
129. Norman Novio - Occidental Mindoro, Philippines - Pamatok - url - http:///nanovio.blogspot.com/
130. Bien Nillos - Negros Occidental, Philippines - The Freudian Slip - url - http://bayenn.blogspot.com/
131. Madelyn Basalo-Sells - Cafunfo, Lunda Norte, Angola - "The Pride of Hingotanan, Bohol"- My Life's Journey To Success - url - http://madzlifesdiary.blogspot.com/
132. Jannesse - Las Pinas City, Philippines - The Wifey Diaries - url - http://thewifeydiaries.blogspot.com/
133. Willa Stock - Ontario, Canada - Fickle Minded- A Life That Is Less Ordinary - url - http://fickleminded.net/
134. Aihara (Tessah) Ramintessah Sanchez - Japan - The Economics of Life - url - http://lifesmatterandeconomics.blogspot.com/
135. Ron Albert - Quezon City, Philippines - A Slice of Turon - url - http://ron-turon.blogspot.com/
136. Elyong - Davao City, Philippines - Elyong - url - http://elyong.blogspot.com/
137. Kokoi - Baguio City, Philippines - Blog ni Kokoi - url - http://blognikokoi.blogspot.com/
138. Fat - Japan - Anything Goes - url - http://247diary.blogspot.com/
139. Mye De Leon - Rizal, Philippines - Blog Appetite - url - http://blogappetite.blogspot.com/
140. Jan Geronimo - Oriental Mindoro, Philippines - salabasngmandaluyong (Rx For A Better Life) - url - http://salabasngmandaluyong.blogspot.com/
141. Chuva - Philippines - Chizmizan With Chuva - url - http://chuvachienes.com/
142. E. J. Bautista - Quezon City, Philippines - Bogcess - url - http://bogcess.blogspot.com/
143. Maree Tee - Philippines - I Am Mrs. Tee - url - http://mareetee.blogspot.com/
144. Alma Cafe - Davao oriental, Philippines - Reach Beyond Your Limits - url - http://luponfirehouse.blogspot.com/
145. Arlene Collado - Philippines - Joys in Life - url - http://sunshineleneforlife.com/
146. Juvy - Philippines - Pinoy Portals - url - http://pinoyportals.blogspot.com/
147. Jan Mckingley Hilado - Cebu City, Philippines - The Ultralife of Student Nurses - url - http://nursester.blogspot.com/
148. Carlos - Davao City, Philippines - Carlos Ideas - url - http://carlos-ideas.blogspot.com/
149. Mentor - Cebu, Philippines - The Image of Cebu - url - http://cebuimage.blogspot.com/
150. Emma Ballada - Laguna, Philippines - Life Momento - url - http://lifemomento.blogspot.com/
151. Darkspark - Philippines - Papermills - url - http://papermills.blogspot.com/
152. Jes - Philippines - My Little Angels - url - http://ishiethan.blogspot.com/
153. Mike Pamero - Laguna, Philippines - Such were some of you - url - http://www.mikepamero.blogspot.com/
154. Jerome - Calamba, Laguna, Philippines - Pinoy Blogger Online - url - http://blogging-without-a-cause.blogspot.com/
155. Mary Grace - Tennessee, USA - My World is My Family - url - http://graceodraper.blogspot.com/
156. Luzviminda Gadon (VhingF) - Israel - Survivor: the Reality of my Life - url - Http://vhing4all-il-ph.blogspot.com/
157. Marlon Celso - Manila, Philippines - Marlon of Manila - url - http://marlonofmanila.blogspot.com/
158. Richard Roxas - Valenzuela City, Philippines - Dreamworks - url - http://dreamworksorg.blogspot.com/
159. Political Jaywalker - USA - Pedestrian Observer - url - http://pedestrianobserver.blogspot.com/
160. Your Sassy Reporter - Philippines - Mother Thoughts - url - http://mymotherthoughts.blogspot.com/
161. Caryn Paredes - Tokyo, Japan - sari-saring kulay - url - http://gandarynako.livejournal.com/
162. Honey Hernandez (angel without wings) - Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines - The Young Hermit Blog - url - http://honeywfb.blogspot.com/
163. Guia Gomez - San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines - The Real Guia Gomez of San Juan - url - http://guiagomez.blogspot.com/
164. Madame Apro - Michigan, USA - Aphrodite: My So Called Life! url - http://ruthrush.blogspot.com
165. Maria Katrina Lopez Yarza - Philippines - I Am Kcat - url - http://iamkcat.blogspot.com/
166. Rechie - Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines - My Hideaway - url - http://iamkcat.blogspot.com/
167. Theresa Ellorando Flores - Philippines - Women-Ish: Women's Issues from Christian Perspective url - http://women-ish.blogspot.com/
168. Enhenyero - Singapore & Philippines - Braggies - url - http://enhenyero.blogspot.com/
169. Ron Centeno - New York, USA - In My Own Words- Ron Centeno - url - http://roncenteno.blogspot.com/
170. Jimbo - Yanbu, Saudi Arabia - adventures of boy wander - url - http://jimbodl.blogspot.com/
171. Leonore (mommycool) - Philippines - Cakes And Ale - url - http://myownparadigms.blogspot.com/
172. Beverly - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines - Pig's Tale - url - http://beaverly88.blogspot.com/
173. Brenna Bustamante - Cainta, Rizal, Philippines - The Quintessence - url - http://mycoreheart.blogspot.com/
174. Mariz - Dubai, UAE - Reflections - url - http://reflectionsbymariz.blogspot.com/
175. Lisa Goldenbogen - Roseville, Michigan, USA - Lisgold - url - http://lisgold.com/
176. Crissy Taruc - Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines - Housewife at Work - url - http://housewifeatwork.blogspot.com/
177. Louraine and Melody - Davao City, Philippines - Sassy Pinay - url - http://www.sassypinay.com/
178. Meretrisha - Cebu, Philippines - A Walk Through Life - url - http://joannamashka.com/
179. Rolly Ocampo - Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines - Philippines rising (taga monumento) - url - http://tagamonumento.blogspot.com/
180. Rochelle Confesor - Marilina City, Philippines - Femme Power - url - http://femmepower.crunchystyle.com/
181. Vhincent & Jen - Philippines - Chizmosa Lounge - url - http://www.chizmosalounge.com/
182. Joyce Emor - Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines - My Nature Adventures - url - http://nature-adventures.blogspot.com/
183. Karen - Quezon City, Philippines - My So-Called World - url - http://www.titik-atibapa.com/
184. Rechie Ruth Lopez Wilks - Chuchie's Hideaway - url - http://chuchieshideaway.blogspot.com/
185. Jess Quijano - Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines - Buhilaman Sa Bukid Malindang - url - http://malindangbuhilaman.blogspot.com/
186. Richard Alcantara - California, USA - Trader's Hub - url - http://bigdaddyrichard-swirlingthoughts.blogspot.com/
187. Jacob Fuentes - Philippines - Famous Filipinos - url - http://famousfilipinos.jacobfuentes.com/
188. Lovely - Metro Manila, Philippines - Thoughts - url - http://lovelypad.blogspot.com/
189. Philippines Travel Blog - Philippines - Philippines Travel Blog - url - http://agiledeals.com/
190. John Masigan - Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines - Ultraelectromagnetic Blog - url - http://masiganjb.blogspot.com/
191. Manang Kim - Philippines/USA - My Life Journey In Focus - url - http://kissess4u.blogspot.com/
192. PYT - Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines - D Family Dynamics - url - http://dauzbournechronicles.blogspot.com/
193. Nikou - Shanghai, China - Living The EXPAT's Life - url - http://theshanghaiexpat.blogspot.com/
194. Mikes - Cebu, Philippines - NewsBlog1st - url - http://newsblog1st.blogspot.com/
195. Leo Mar - Philippines - Leomar's Den - url -http://leomarsden.com/
196. Third World Geek - Butuan City, Philippines - Third World Geek - url - http://www.thirdworldgeek.com/
197. Edgardo Zafra - Marikina City, Philippines - Owning A Cafe - url - http://xicowner.jefmart.com/
198. "The Explorer" - Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines - Las Islas Filipinas World - url- http://lasislasfilipinasworld.blogspot.com/
199. Truebloodedpinay - Philippines - Carpe Diem! (Seize The Day) - url - http://balitangkanto.blogspot.com/
200. Bloggista - Philippines - Bloggista Info Corner - url - http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/
201. Mystique - Makati, Philippines - Mystique's Moments - url - http://www.mystique21.com/
202. Pulis Pangkalawakan - Quezon City, Philippines - Mind Under Construction - url - http://utakbangus.blogspot.com/
203. Mely Johnson - Utah, USA - Pinoy American Favorite Recipes - url - http://pinoyamericanrecipes.blogspot.com/
204. Geraldine D. - Texas, USA - Embracing My Past, Present and Future Life - url - http://texaswithlove1982-amomentlikethis.blogspot.com/
205. Joemill - Cebu City, Philippines - Brief Stories - url- http://briefstories.blogspot.com/
206. Amae d - Baguio City, Philippines - little pink splotches - url- http://pimksplotch.blogspot.com/
207. Eli Gatanela - Bacolod City, Philippines -Business Sphere Blog - url- http://businessphereconsulting.com/
208. Miss Gift Philippines - Philippines/USA - Tawag Na Regalo - url- http://www.mytawagnaregalo.com/
209. JR041283 - Philippines/Middle East - JR041283 - url- http://jr041283.blogspot.com/
210. Ms. Law - Quezon City, Philippines - LawReal - url- http://lawreal.blogspot.com/
211. fickleinpink - Calamba City, Laguna, Philippines - Fickleinpink, on the dark side - url- http://fickleinpink.blogspot.com/
212. Kristine Kawi - Baguio City, Philippines/La Vesinet, France - An Igorot in France - url - http://www.anigorotinfrance.blogspot.com/
213. Ria Romero - Naga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines - My Journey to Life - url - http://melandriaromero.blogspot.com/
214. Seiko - Kumamoto, Japan - Seiko's Diary - url - http://adualcareermom.blogspot.com/
215. SongDiary - Philippines - Story Behind Your Favorite Song - url - http://favesongdiary.blogspot.com/
216. Scribbler - UK/Philippines - Life in the UK url- http://www.thisislifeintheuk.blogspot.com/
217. Lynn - Manila, Philippines - The Four Eyed Optimist - url-http://thefoureyedoptimist.blogspot. com/
218. Joy Rodulfo - Quezon City, Philippines - From This Side - url - http://anneblythe.blogspot.com/
219. January - Iligan City, Philippines - January's Scraps of Life - url- http://faeriejan.blogspot.com/
220. Princess Sarah - Bacolod City, Philippines - His Unfailing Love - url - http://sarahg26.com/
221. Sam - Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, U.S.A. - There's No Place That Far - url - http://www.freddysamsc.com/
222. Jam Mayer-Flores - Quezon City, Philippines - Jam Mayer- Flores - url- http://www.jammayer.com/
223. Ian Limpangog - Pasay City, Philippines - Freedom Wall - url- http://www.freedomwall.net
224. Cielo (Lai) - Philippines - Brown Pinay
- url - http://www.brownpinay.com/
225. Yljien - Philippines - I Empower Myself - url - http://iempowermyself.net/
226. Fatima Marla Viray - Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Philippines - fatima marla - iWrite therefore iAm - url - http://fmarla.wordpress.com/
227. Rossel Dacio - San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines - Topics On Earth - url - http://www.topicsonearth.com/
228. Gagay - Mindanao, Philippines - walkingnewspaper - url - http://walkingnewspaper.blogspot.com/
229. Ghienoxs - Cebu City, Philippines - Jie. No's Pyer. Sips. Yon - url - http://jieno-perception.blogspot.com/
230. Jenie - Philippines - At-A-Blink
url - http://at-a-blink.blogspot.com/
231. Michael Jay Mesa - Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines - Ars Longa, Vita Bravis - url - http://www.mjo-mesa.blogspot.com/
232. Marvin Cruz - Bulacan, Philippines - Marvin's Place - url- http://marvincruz.com
233. Irene A. - Quezon City, Philippines - Crucial Bliss - url - http://www.business-ito.com/
234. Kayce - Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines - My Life & My Journey Online - url-http://kayeshayne.blogspot.com/
235. MelCole - Pennsylvania, USA - Seasons and Seasonings - url- http://seasonsandseasonings.blogspot.com/0.
236. Charmie - Davao City, Philippines - A Journey of Life - url - http://pinkycharm.blogspot.com/
237. Cacai M. - Los Angeles, California, USA - Cacai M.'s Place - url- http://www.cacai-m-place.net/
238. Ma. Victoria de Leon Parungao - Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines - Jared's Little Corner of The World - url- http://www.jaredslittlecorneroftheworld.blogspot.com/
239. Olivoster - Alberta, Canada - A Working Canada- Jobs, Career, Business in Canada - url- http://workncanada.blogspot.com/
240. A2ensite - Philippines - Something Personal - url- http://a2ensite.blogspot.com/
241. Gertie Apigo - Dubai, UAE - Single Mom at Best - url- http://www.singlemomatbest.blogspot.com/
242. Tina Corsame- Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines - Pinay Green Mommy - url- http://www.green-mommy.info/
243. Emmanuel Cabando - Philippines - The Philippine Landmarks Today - url- http://philippine-landmarks.blogspot.com/
244. Jannicar Galarion Nayve - Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Food For Thoughts - url- http://heartstrings101.blogspot.com/
245. Arnel Oroceo - Philippines - It's Perfectly Amazing - url - http://nel-ceo.blogspot.com/
Tayo'y Mga Pinoy - Heber Bartolome
Ako'y Isang Pinoy - Florante
Ang Bayan Kong Sinilangan - Asin (Mindanao)
Bayan Ko - Kuh Ledesma
Lawiswis Kawayan - Philippine Folk Dance (Tagalog Region)
Atin Ku Pung Singsing (Capangpangan Region)
Pamulinawen (Ilocano Region)
Matud Nila - Pilita Corrales (Cebuano Region)
Dandansoy - Grace Nono (Waray Region - Leyte)
Sarung Banggi (Bicol Region)
Ang Dalagang Filipina - Ruben Tagalog (IN HONOR OF ALL FILIPINAS ALL OVER THE WORLD)
Pandanggo Sa Ilaw (Philippine Folk Music and Dance)
Tinikling (Filipino Folk Dance)
Singkil (Traditional Muslim Folk Dance) - Bayanihan Dance Company
Salidumay (For Our Muslim Brothers In The Philippines) - Grace Nono
God bless the Philippines. God bless the Filipinos wherever they are. IN GOD WE TRUST AND HAVE OUR BEING. God bless us all.